What is the difference between a vaporizer and an e-cigarette?
Quite simply, a vaporizer is used to extract active ingredients such as cannabinoids and terpenes from herbs, resins and extracts. An e-cigarette is used exclusively to vaporise liquids and was developed as a tobacco substitute. These liquids usually consist of propylene glycol (PG), glycerine (VG), water, food flavourings and nicotine if required.
Vaporizers use different materials such as ceramic, quartz, aluminium as vapour chamber. An e-cigarette uses a coil system + tank to heat and vaporise liquid.
Vaporising is considered much less harmful than burning (smoking) active ingredients from herbs. An e-cigarette is also up to 95% less harmful than the classic burning of nicotine. Nevertheless, nicotine remains a neurotoxin and we advise against its use!
For whom are vaporizers suitable?
Vaporizers are suitable for those people who want to experience the effects of medicinal herbs without the effect and side effects of burning. The healthy way to experience nature. 😊
Vaporizers are also the first choice for a medical application of medicinal herbs and are partly paid by the health insurance. We are vaporizer experts and look forward to answering your questions.
Who are e-cigarettes suitable for?
E-cigarettes help with tobacco cessation and are intended for people who want to stop smoking. Nicotine is often added here to satisfy the "hieper". If you are interested in an e-cigarette, we recommend that you visit a specialist shop. They can cater to your personal preferences.
We hope to shed some light on this.
We hope we have been able to shed some light on this and make your decision a little easier.